Dip update 85/n - Welcome Angkor!
[Orig: Sept 18, 2017]
Hi everyone,
It is my pleasure to announce "Angkor" has been chosen as the name of the September 2017 dip!
This name nomination follows the theme of lost cities (along with Skara Brae).
Below is the latest light curve from LCO. Reviewing the data taken over the past few days, it looks like Angkor might be having a bit of trouble recovering all the way back to normal brightness (similar behavior to what happened after Celeste). Note that these points are consistent with normal given the size of the error bars, however, the repeated below normal brightness measurements during this time increases the significance of the trend.
~Tabby and team
PS: These observations are happening because of the wonderful backers of our 2016 Kickstarter project. The Kickstarter campaign has ended, but we are still accepting donations to purchase additional observing time on the LCO 0.4m network. Thanks in advance for your support!