2018 data update (15/n)
[Orig: April 27, 2018] Hi everyone, Along with every other astronomer on the planet, I've been a bit distracted with the GAIA mission's...

2018 data update (14/n)
[Orig: April 23, 2018] Hi everyone! Brief post today to show the updated graphs. More later! ~Tabby and team PS: These observations are...

2018 data update (13/n)
[Orig: April 20, 2018] Hi everyone! Data are trickling in this week. Below is the updated graph showing nothing particularly out of the...

2018 data update (12/n)
[Orig: April 16, 2018] Hi everyone, ICYMI, the frequency of these posts tend to be inversely proportional to my travel. The good thing is...

Announcing: Evangeline!
[Orig: April 10, 2018] Hi everyone, "Evangeline" is now the name for the second dip in March 2018!! It is now labeled on the latest...

Announcing: Caral-Supe!
[Orig: April 5, 2018] Hi everyone, "Caral-Supe" is now the name for the first dip in March 2018!! It is now labeled on the latest light...

2018 March: dip update 11/n
[Orig: April 3, 2018] Hi everyone, Brief update including the latest point from ELP showing the star is consistent with normal...

2018 March: dip update 10/n
[Orig: April 2, 2018] Hi everyone, New data taken over the weekend show not much change over the past week or so. Interestingly, the...